Law firm Yosef Shem Tov & Co. specializes in the field of the capital market, securities law, corporate law, real estate, civil-commercial litigation, and commercial law in all its various shades and aspects.
At Yosef Shem Tov & Co. we believe that quality and professional human capital is the basis for the firm's success and growth.
We strive to recruit to our ranks professional lawyers, with creative thinking and high motivation, who wish to develop in the firm's areas of specialization and integrate into a dynamic, professional, and challenging work environment.
Suitable candidates are invited to contact us and join our office staff.
Applications can be submitted to e-mail:
Sapir Tower
22nd Floor
40 Toval Street
Ramat Gan 5252247
Phone: +972 (3) 771-3880
Fax: +972 (3) 771-5540